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Post-Pool Day Detox

Post-Pool Day Detox

It’s no secret that we LOVE to bikini. Where there’s water and sunshine, you’re sure to find a Kopari girl—or guy—soaking up the sun, safely of course. We wouldn’t dare approach a pool day without SPF on our skin and we know you wouldn’t either. With long term effects like premature aging, sun spots and an increased risk for skin cancer, going SPF-less while sunning one’s buns simply isn’t worth it. And although you’re probably pretty well versed on what it means to practice safe sun before hitting the pool, we’d argue that it doesn’t stop there. What you decide to do after can play a huge role in protecting your skin from sun damage as well. Next time you find yourself on the backside of a sun sesh make sure to take these steps to keep your skin happy and healthy.



Ever feel like your energy is zapped after a day in the sun? It’s not just you. Heat exhaustion is very real, and is caused when prolonged sun exposure results in dehydration. Seeking shade after spending time in the sun not only feels good, but can prevent further any sun damage from occurring.




There’s a reason outdoor showers exist near pools. Swimming in a chlorinated pool exposes your skin to a host of not so cool chemicals. As a result, many people can experience dry, itchy, skin post-pool. Rinsing off as soon as you’re done swimming can help to prevent any skin irritation.




Sweating while swimming? You might not notice it while floating in the pool, but it’s definitely happening. Ideally you’ll be alternating mojitos with H2O while out in the sun, then rehydrating hard afterward by drinking tons of water and noshing on foods with high water content like cucumbers, tomatoes and watermelon.




Beat dehydration from both sides; first by upping your water intake, and second by moisturizing your skin. Our Coconut Melt makes for the perfect all natural moisturizer, and because it’s free of silicones, sulfates, and parabens, you can feel good about slathering it all over your face, body, and even the ends of your hair.


Black Tea


On cloudy, overcast days up to 80% of the sun’s UV rays are still hitting your skin. So even if you play it super safe in the sun, sunburns can happen. One of the best ways to soothe a sunburn is by brewing black tea, allowing for the tea to cool, applying to skin with a clean cloth and allowing it to soak in.


Sun damage to skin can be a tricky thing to detect. Many of the visible effects can take years to make themselves apparent, and it’s hard to “feel” when your skin’s had enough, but sunning safely both before AND after can make all the difference.

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