Morning people. Love them or hate them, there’s no denying that people who start their day off the right way have a leg up on those of us who are in serious relationships with our snooze buttons. Studies show that early risers earn better grades, have better problem-solving skills, and are more proactive and optimistic than people who tend to sleep in later. Early worms also tend to live healthier lives as they make more time for exercise, and because their sleep schedules are more in tune with their body’s natural circadian rhythm. With all these benefits, it seems like a no-brainer that we should all be striving to make the most of our mornings. Here are a few tips for starting off your day the right way.
Just Stop With The Snooze
Many would argue that they need the snooze button to prevent them from falling back asleep. However, rather than setting your alarm earlier than need be and snoozing for the next 30 minutes, set your alarm for the exact time you want to wake up. Sure, it takes a bit more discipline, but the additional 30 minutes of uninterrupted sleep will be worth it—trust us.
Take Time For Yourself
Before getting into the craziness of the day, take some time to focus on whatever it is that’s important to you. Whether that’s foregoing social media for meditation, walking the dog, or jotting your thoughts down in a journal, even 10 extra minutes of “me time” can make all the difference.
Feel Refreshed
Get In A Good Breakfast
How many times have you skipped breakfast, only to realize around 10:00 am that you’re running on fumes? If you’re anything like us, the answer is too many times to count. A healthy breakfast doesn’t need to be complicated. Our go-to is this amped up version of avocado toast. It’s packed with protein, so you’ll feel fuller for longer.
And on mornings when we’re really crunched for time, we turn to this Toasted Coconut Coffee Smoothie. If you keep frozen bananas and coffee ice cubes on hand, you’re only five minutes away from a killer, caffeinated on-the-go breakfast!